Previous Next ARCHITECTUREWe design of all kinds of structures including Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Hotels and Resorts. Renewable Energy SolutionWe do solar panel projects like Grid Tie System, Standalone & Hybrid system Residential Interior DesignModern interior decoration with Flooring, Ceiling, Wall Paneling, Lighting, Furniture, etc. STRUCTURAL DESIGNWe provide structural design of all kinds of erections including Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Hotels and Resorts. CONSTRUCTIONWe do Construction work of Hotels, Resorts, Residential, Commercial, and Industrial sector. IMPORT & SUPPLYWe supply both local and foreign Architectural Materials, Interior Furnishing, Equipment, or Machineries. PROJECT MANAGEMENTWe do everything from Regulatory Approval, BOQ Preparation, Cost Management, Documentation & QA. CONSULTANCYDeploying any project requires Market Analysis, Feasibility Study, Project Research & Development. LANDSCAPE DESIGNLandscape Designing, Constructing, Gardening & Plantation, building abstract Sculptures, etc. MAP DESIGNFor any structure, we can provide all sorts of design including Mechanical, Electrical, & Plumbing. Commercial Space DesignContemporary & Modern Design of Commercial Space and Office with all modern facilites.